power bi vlookup

How to replicate Power BI vlookup?

Syntax The syntax for the Power BI vlookup can be overwhelming to look at but once you know what all the parameters represent, it becomes very easy to grasp. LOOKUPVALUE (    <result_columnName>,     <search_columnName>,     <search_value> [, <search2_columnName>, <search2_value>] …     [, <alternate Result>] ) Result column is the column that you want to…

Power BI Userelationship in dax measure

Power BI Userelationship function with example

There are a few relationship functions in DAX that are extremely helpful, and one of those functions is USERELATIONSHIP. This function is utterly useful to link your calculations or functions with inactive relationship columns. This function does not return any value but serves as a powerful tool when combined with functions that have filters as…

Power bi relatedtable function

Secrets of Power BI RelatedTable using a simple example

This guide will help you understand two important DAX relationship functions: Related RelatedTable If there is one function in Excel that every user, novice to experts, frequently uses, it is undoubtedly the VLOOKUP. Think of Related and Power BI RelatedTable functions as an efficient VLOOKUP that allows you to retrieve data or tuples from relates…

DAX summarize function in parallel with SQL

DAX summarize function in parallel with SQL

DAX summarize function is used to group the data. If you are coming from the SQL world, then summarize function in DAX behaves like group by function in SQL. The syntax of summarize function in DAX is SUMMARIZE(<table>, <groupBy_columnName>[, <groupBy_columnName>]…[, <name>, <expression>]…) <table>: The first parameter of summarize function is a table. You can use here…

DAX parent-child functions to create organizational hierarcy

DAX parent-child functions to implement hierarchies

DAX parent-child functions are used to achieve organizational hierarchy. Power BI does not support the parent-child regime or self-join. If you have a data model that contains a parent-child structure, then power bi offers the following useful functions. With the help of these functions, it is easy to implement a hierarchical organizational structure. These functions…

Power BI Isfiltered vs Iscrossfiltered in Dax

Power BI Isfiltered vs Iscrossfiltered in Dax

Power BI Isfiltered and Iscrossfiltered functions are sometimes very confusing for the newbie. These DAX functions are beneficial when we develop very advanced dashboards in Power BI, where we need to check multiple filtering conditions on the columns that are being filtered. We can’t control the user’s behavior and how they will interact with the…